ATASDA  promotes textile art and surface design and those who create it. We seek to inspire our membership through the development of a creative community and the provision of opportunities for learning new skills.
We encourage the use of a diverse range of techniques for artistic expression including printing, dyeing, painting, felting, embroidery and the integration of different materials such as paper, metal, wax and glass.
This national not-for-profit organisation connects those who are inspired by textile art and wish to be excited by its possibilities. If that is you, we would love you to join us!

Latest News

At the NSW quarterly meeting our wonderful member Kathy Hawkins will be talking about her ....

Textile adventures in Paris

Come on an adventure to find hidden gems in Paris – from flea markets to palaces, exhibitions to street-wear… following Kathy’s textile explorations in Paris last October.

 For more details and to register

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Our branches in all states welcome new members. Join online and come along to attend social days and workshops, learn new techniques, meet other artists and enjoy being part of a vibrant organisation.

Join Us

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Faces and Flora Suitcase is currently touring around Victoria, soon to go to other states...

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